man holding bible
Daily Living

Living By The Word of God | Deuteronomy 8:1-3

Living by the Word of God” is a call for you to completely trust in God’s word concerning your live. The scriptures tell us that God has given us everything that pertains to life including, but not limited to His unfailing love, peace, healing, protection and security and many more. Can you live by His promise whether you are on the mountain top or in the valley?

Today, I want to encourage you with this faith building scripture “Man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” – Deuteronomy 8:1-3. Living by the word of God is to live by faith and not by sight.

In my study of Deuteronomy 8:1-3, I learned six important things, I want you also to be blessed with:

1It is rewarding to OBEY God’s word (v1)

2It is good to REMEMBER past blessings of God (v2)

3God DISCIPLINES with a purpose in mind (v2)

4God FOLLOWS THROUGH His plan and purpose (v3)

5God sometimes CREATES A NEED in our lives and then provides the answer (v3)

6God advises us to LIVE BY EVERY WORD he has ever spoken (v3)

For this post, I will look at the first learning:

1 It is rewarding to OBEY God’s word (v1).

Your obedience to God’s word results in three important blessings in this passage:

 a. You shall live. Jesus said in John 8:51, If” anyone keeps my word, he will never see death” Keep Jesus word, not food, not money, not fame for many are wealthy and famous, but do not have peace. We have seen in recent times famous and rich committing suicide. So life is not the abundance of possessions one has, but Life is in Christ Jesus. That is the reason Jesus  said, the words I speak to you are spirit and life. He wants everyone to have life and have it more abundantly. Therefore He lovingly invites all to live by His word.

b.  You shall multiply. God will surely multiple the work of your  hands. Joshua’s successful conquest of the land of Canaan was largely due to his obedience to God’s command to him (Joshua 1:6-9).

c. You shall possess what God has promised you.



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